The aim of our Patient Participation Group (PPG) is to:
- Give health professionals and patients the opportunity to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest.
- Provide a means for patients to make positive suggestions about the practice and their own health care.
- Encourage health education activities within the practice.
- Develop self help projects to meet the needs of fellow patients.
Patient participation group is
Patients working with a practice to:
- Help themselves and other patients to take more responsibility for their health.
- Provide practical support for the practice.
- Contribute to the continuous improvement of services.
Suited to Patient’s and Practice’s needs:
- Matching the activities of the group to the needs of the community by consultation between patients and practice staff.
Based on co-operation to:
- Builds a relationship between practice staff and patients to break down communication barriers.
- Enables the sharing of information.
- Provide a springboard for public involvement in wider aspects of the NHS.
Patient participation is not
A forum of complaints:
- By providing a channel for communication a PPG can help to reduce complaints. Although we can forward concerns in confidence, this is rarely done.
Implementation of a pre-determined agenda (for the government or anybody else):
- The PPG’s collaboration is its greatest strength. We are informally accountable to all the patients and therefore need to take a balanced view.
If you are interested in signing up to be a PPG member please enquire at reception or download the sign up form and hand it in. For more information please read the PPG Information Pack.